Sunday, August 08, 2010

Oscar-Winning Actress Patricia Neal Dies at 84

Actress Patricia Neal, whose personal life was as dramatic -- and often tragic -- as that of any fictional character, has passed away at the age of 84.

Early in her film career Neal had a notorious affair with Gary Cooper, who was married. (They costarred in 1949's THE FOUNTAINHEAD, her second film; it's pictured above.) Neal was later married for decades to writer Roald Dahl (CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY). She endured a series of strokes, lost a daughter to measles, and had a son who was brain damaged when his stroller was hit by a car.

Neal's first film was JOHN LOVES MARY (1949). Besides that movie and THE FOUNTAINHEAD, Neal also appeared in the well-regarded THE HASTY HEART in 1949.

Neal's films also included THE BREAKING POINT (1950), THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951), and BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (1961). She won the Oscar for HUD (1963).

DIPLOMATIC COURIER (1952), costarring Tyrone Power, was reviewed here last month.

Neal is best remembered by me for creating the role of Olivia Walton on film in the Christmas perennial THE HOMECOMING: A CHRISTMAS STORY (1971). Although I preferred Michael Learned, who played the part on the TV series THE WALTONS, over the course of many viewings I came to appreciate Neal's interpretation of the role.

Tom has posted a tribute at Motion Picture Gems, and Millie has posted a lovely photo at ClassicForever. Edward Copeland on Film has also written about Miss Neal tonight.

Another obituary has been posted by the New York Times.

Update: Tributes from Out of the Past, the Self-Styled Siren, and Gordon at Laszlo's on Lex.

Update: Ivan shares his thoughts on Miss Neal in general and her role as Mama Walton in particular.


Blogger la peregrina said...

That is sad news. Rest in peace, Ms. Neal.

6:14 AM  
Blogger mel said...

There is quite a good biopic (TV movie) about Patricia Neal - The Patricia Neal Story, with Glenda Jackson and Dirk Bogarde.

It's worth watching, if you can find it.

9:34 PM  

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