Thanks for linking her site earlier, which led me to discover her and her great website. I've already tried out one of her recipes on her site. She is a very entertaining writer on top of the great food! Her cookbook is on my Christmas wishlist.
I'm delighted you're enjoying her site too, J.C.! I'm just surprised I went so long without knowing about it considering how in tune it is with many of my interests. She does an impressive job.
Pan-fried Porkchops with smashed potatoes. Yummy. Such a simple thing, but her pictures are awesome, so I had to make them too. Gonna try the Pear Crisp next (cause I just got a bag of them):
I think her popularity will only continue to increase with the cookbook. She has an enormous loyal following and people respond so well to her unassuming, funny look at herself and the different sort of life she leads.
Too bad I can't come over and have something you cook from it. Maybe some day! Enjoy it!
It's a date whenever you can make it! :)
Thanks for linking her site earlier, which led me to discover her and her great website. I've already tried out one of her recipes on her site. She is a very entertaining writer on top of the great food!
Her cookbook is on my Christmas wishlist.
I'm delighted you're enjoying her site too, J.C.! I'm just surprised I went so long without knowing about it considering how in tune it is with many of my interests. She does an impressive job.
What did you cook? :)
Best wishes,
Pan-fried Porkchops with smashed potatoes. Yummy. Such a simple thing, but her pictures are awesome, so I had to make them too. Gonna try the Pear Crisp next (cause I just got a bag of them):
I thought that pork chop recipe looked great too. Will try it soon! :)
Best wishes,
I think her popularity will only continue to increase with the cookbook. She has an enormous loyal following and people respond so well to her unassuming, funny look at herself and the different sort of life she leads.
Why, she almost inspires me to cook!
With some training she seems like she'd be a natural to do TV, based on clips I've seen.
Best wishes,
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