Around the Blogosphere This Week
Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet... I'm posting this Easter Weekend edition a bit earlier than usual!
...One of the most interesting recent releases from the Warner Archive is SO GOES MY LOVE (1946), a romantic comedy starring Myrna Loy and Don Ameche. I'm completely unfamiliar with it. It's also interesting to note that the film is from Universal -- will the Archive be releasing more Universal films in the future?
...I'm sending best wishes to KC of Classic Movies, who is beginning a maternity leave with a series of "Guest Linkers" providing the material for her "Classic Links" feature. (I'll be participating late next week!) It's been a lot of fun to see what various people have come up with; for instance, Guest Linker Page led me to the amazing Hooked on Houses website, which is now blogrolled to the left under "Miscellany." A Hooked on Houses post on one of my favorite movie houses, from MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (1944), also led me to a post at Sweet Sunday Mornings examining the film's costumes.

...Back at Classic Movies, Guest Linker Tom found a review of Ray Milland and Paulette Goddard in THE CRYSTAL BALL (1943) at Une Cinephile. I'm really looking forward to this one!
...Moira Finnie has posted a very amusing review of PARRISH (1961), starring Troy Donahue, Claudette Colbert, and Karl Malden, at Skeins of Thought.

...A cat interacting with dolphins? This video is fun to look at.
...Mark of Where Danger Lives reviews THE KILLER IS LOOSE (1956) at Noir of the Week. Mark feels that THE KILLER IS LOOSE was Wendell Corey's best role. He's definitely creepy as a milquetoast psychopathic murderer!
...Amazon plans to launch a lending library for the Kindle later this year. (Via Missy.) I'll be curious how that would work.

...At her latest column for Landmark Report, Kristina reviews five reasons she loves GUNGA DIN (1939). I could add that I love that it was filmed in Lone Pine, California; check out the mementoes on display in the Lone Pine Film History Museum in my post from last summer.
...The government, via the National Labor Relations Board, is attempting to dictate to Boeing the state in which it's allowed to build the 787 Dreamliner. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that this could happen in what is supposed to be a free country.
...Speaking of freedom, longtime readers know I have strong feelings about the government mandate that we use toxic, mercury-filled CFL light bulbs. Consumers may wish to be aware that there are also concerns about the bulbs causing cancer and exploding and causing house fires. Why can't we let the free market work? If the CFL's really save energy and money, consumers will flock to use them. Why force us to buy bulbs some scientists say "should not be left on for extended periods" because of cancer risks?

...Java's been busy of late, she also has an interesting post up at The Amazing Deanna Durbin on LADY ON A TRAIN (1945), a film I enjoyed for a second time last Christmas.
...TV host Jeff Probst has bought the Gene Autry Estate for $5 million.
...The changeover from film to digital projection may drive some smaller movie theaters out of business.

...Here are reviews from Leonard Maltin and Kenneth Turan of the L.A. Times of Reese Witherspoon's brand-new film, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (2011). They agree that the film was well-made yet could have been even better. Here is a trailer.
...Jim Lane's Cinedrome has a photo-filled review of the new book HARLOW IN HOLLYWOOD, which was written by Darrell Rooney and Mark Vieira.
...Here's a fun exercise: at Forever Classics, Meredith lists "100 Things I Love About the Movies." She was inspired by the blog Defiant Success.

...Finally, Marcia Morrissey shares the story of her Easter 1995 kidney transplant in "The Easter Sunrise of My New Life."
Have a great weekend, and best wishes for a very happy Easter Sunday!
Thank for the link. I also enjoyed the posts you mention from Skeins of Thought and Java's Journey. Lots of good writing out there.
Thanks for all the news and information Laura. You are the one constant source for all things going on around the net. And I can't say it enough..thank you for all that you do. Happy Easter.
Happy Easter to you and your family Laura. My schedule and recent health challenges with my folks have precluded me from writing anything this year ( which pains me to say- I miss it), but I still am able to read your posts when I "check in" with the blogging neighbors every day for a little while. Thanks for helping me stay "connected" and somewhat sane. I really enjoyed your focus on Noir as of late and keeping me up on Disney news. I wish you a very blessed Easter weekend!
I so agree with you about the government dictating which light bulbs we can use. I hate the ugly cfls, and when I read about how dangerous they are my head wants to explode! Thank you for keeping us informed. Also, I've been inspired to watch some of the movies you've suggested...there are some really good ones out there and I'm happy that Netflix carries a lot of them.
Blessed Easter to you and your family.
Thanks to you all so much for the comments, and you're all very welcome indeed!
J.C., you've been missed! So sorry to hear of the ongoing challenges you're dealing with. Please stay in touch!!
Happy Easter and best wishes,
Thank you, Laura, for the link and for bringing to my attention that KC is on maternity leave! I must have missed that post! I've left a note over there even though it is 10 days late.
Thanks again.
- Java
Jacqueline T. Lynch, thanks for the compliment!
Don't get me started on the lightbulb thing. I tried them in my outdoor light fixtures, and they lasted all of two weeks. Stupidly bought more, and the same problem - poor lighting and ran out quickly. Think I'll have to start stockpiling incandescants. And should lightbulbs really be a priority with all that is going on in the world? Hungry people, lack of jobs, countries with regimes toppling - no lightbulbs are the great evil! (Sorry for venting. It's one of my beefs).
Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Best Wishes,
Thanks for your notes, Java and Amanda! Java, I've really enjoyed your recent posts.
Amanda, thanks for sharing your CFL experience. We have already started stockpiling bulbs, just in case the repeal doesn't pass Congress. Other problems with the CFL bulbs include killing their lifespan by turning them on and off frequently. So we're not supposed to have them on very long (a cancer threat) *and* we're not supposed to shut them off and on frequently! They can overheat, smoke, "cause eczema-like conditions," and more. It's very disturbing that the government is forcing the use of these (much more expensive!) lightbulbs when incandescents have proven safe, reliable, and affordable for decades.
Best wishes and Happy Easter,
I'm so glad you have been enjoying the guest links Laura. I've been thrilled to see what people have found. I'm also looking forward to your contribution--as I know you are an expert linker!
I also loved that Parrish review. What a mess that movie was! I loved every minute of it though. Truly over the top, amusing melodrama.
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