Tonight's Movie in 2018: The Year in Review
Happy New Year!
Time for my annual look back at the movie viewing year that was! 2018 was yet another wonderful viewing year, filled with a wide variety of films, including a significant number of "big screen" experiences.
I saw 282 films in 2018, a quite satisfactory total, although I didn't make it to 300 as I'd hoped! Maybe I'll hit that number in 2019 -- in any event, it will be fun trying!
For comparison, I saw 284 films in 2017, 275 in 2016, 310 movies in 2015 (my record to date!), 286 movies in 2014, 277 films in 2013, 220 in both 2012 and 2009, 226 in 2011, and 211 movies in 2010.

24 of my theatrical viewings were brand-new films, matching last year's tally. More information on the new titles seen follows below.

The total of 92 repeats far surpasses previous years; for comparison, in 2017 there were 68 repeat films, 62 in 2016, 76 in 2015, 68 in 2014, 41 in 2013, 36 in 2012 and 2009, 15 in 2011, and only 13 in 2010.

Each linked review includes options available for watching each title, including DVD, Blu-ray, streaming, and even VHS, a format some of my readers continue to utilize, as do I!
Following my usual pattern, the next section of this post will look at some additional stats, including films seen at festivals and lists of most-seen actors. The final section of the post is a month-by-month review of additional notable titles not already mentioned.
Here's a look back at the great movie viewing year which was 2018!

...I also saw several previously reviewed films at this year's Noir City Film Festival: THE BLUE DAHLIA (1946) with Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake; an all-time fave, ARMORED CAR ROBBERY (1950), starring Charles McGraw; Jack Webb's DRAGNET (1954); and McGraw again in LOOPHOLE (1954), which like many of the films seen at this year's festival had fantastic Los Angeles location shooting.

...Previously reviewed films seen at the TCM Classic Film Festival were FINISHING SCHOOL (1934), STAGE DOOR (1937), THREE SMART GIRLS (1936), SPELLBOUND (1945), and BLESSED EVENT (1932). LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN, STAGE DOOR, and SPELLBOUND were all nitrate screenings! As always, the festival was a fantastic experience start to finish. I really enjoyed virtually everything I saw -- I do think I'm done with BULL DURHAM at this point -- with THE MERRY WIDOW, THE MIRACLE OF MORGAN'S CREEK, and A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM probably being the standouts among a fine group of films.
...The Arthur Lyons Film Noir Festival in Palm Springs is a favorite event each year. I saw 11 of the festival's 12 films; the only one I didn't watch was THE UNSUSPECTED (1948), which I had just seen at UCLA weeks earlier. Brand-new reviews written on films seen at this year's Arthur Lyons Festival: FAREWELL, MY LOVELY (1975), THE WEB (1947), THE RED HOUSE (1947), WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION (1957), UNDER THE GUN (1951), and FLAMINGO ROAD (1949). All but WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION were brand-new watches for me. It was an exceptionally interesting group of movies. I especially loved THE WEB, THE RED HOUSE, and FLAMINGO ROAD.
...Previously reviewed films also seen at the Arthur Lyons Fest: LARCENY (1948), THE TURNING POINT (1952), CHICAGO DEADLINE (1949), THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF (1951), and KISS OF DEATH (1947).

...Another dozen films were seen at October's 29th Lone Pine Film Festival: THE DIVIDE (2018), STRANGE GAMBLE (1948), UNDER WESTERN STARS (1938), JUST TONY (1922), TRAILING TROUBLE (1930), THE BIG TRAIL (1930), FRONTIER DAYS (1934), THE WILD HORSE STAMPEDE (1926), WILL JAMES' SMOKY (1933), OH, SUSANNA! (1936), and THE ARIZONA RANGER (1948), plus the previously reviewed BROKEN LANCE (1954), with special guest Robert Wagner in attendance! Lone Pine is always a highlight of the year, relaxing in a favorite little town, watching Westerns, visiting with friends, eating great food, and exploring movie locations.

...In April I attended two evenings in UCLA's three-night tribute to Ida Lupino, where I saw THE HARD WAY (1943), HARD, FAST AND BEAUTIFUL (1951), OUTRAGE (1950), and THE BIGAMIST (1953). All but THE HARD WAY were brand-new to me. What a great weekend of movies!
...UCLA also hosted a fabulous Ernst Lubitsch Series, where I watched NINOTCHKA (1939) and the previously reviewed THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER (1940); the silent films LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN (1925), SUMURUN (1920), THE OYSTER PRINCESS (1919), I DON'T WANT TO BE A MAN (1918), and FORBIDDEN PARADISE (1924); the previously reviewed TROUBLE IN PARADISE (1932); and finally ANGEL (1937). This series was both entertaining and educational, seeing so many films from early in the famed director's career.
...In the midst of UCLA's Lubitsch series I also saw his pre-Code comedy DESIGN FOR LIVING (1933) at the Egyptian Theatre. I originally reviewed it here in 2008 and liked it much better the second time around!

...In UCLA's short Christmas series in December I saw LITTLE WOMEN (1994) in a new digital restoration and MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (1944) in 35mm. I found revisiting these two films to be very special experiences.
...I also saw two marvelous nitrate screenings at UCLA in 2018, William Wyler's COUNSELLOR AT LAW (1933) in the summer, starring John Barrymore, and the terrific 20th Century-Fox film A LETTER TO THREE WIVES (1949) in December. Combined with three nitrate prints seen at the TCM Classic Film Festival, my nitrate tally for 2018 was five films, matching last year's number.

...I dropped MoviePass midway through the year when it ran into financial trouble and switched to Cinemark Movie Club, which I've found quite satisfactory. The 24 new movies seen in theaters in 2018: MOLLY'S GAME (2017), THE POST (2017), LADY BIRD (2017), THE COMMUTER (2017), BLACK PANTHER (2018), 7 DAYS IN ENTEBBE (2018), CHAPPAQUIDDICK (2017), AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018), SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018), OCEAN'S EIGHT (2018), INCREDIBLES 2 (2018), WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? (2018), ANT-MAN AND THE WASP (2018), SKYSCRAPER (2018), CHRISTOPHER ROBIN (2018), THE MEG (2018), CRAZY RICH ASIANS (2018), INSTANT FAMILY (2018), RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET (2018), MIRAI (2018), SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (2018), AQUAMAN (2018), and MARY POPPINS RETURNS (2018). Also included in this tally: The previously mentioned indie film THE DIVIDE (2018), seen at the Lone Pine Film Festival. A third of these 24 titles came from the various divisions of Disney, Marvel, and Pixar.
...I also saw last summer's MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT (2018) at home on Blu-ray.

...Also seen regularly in 2018 were Faye Emerson and Ida Lupino, with four films each; I also saw a pair of films Lupino directed but didn't appear in.
...Following at three films apiece: Janet Leigh, Genevieve Tobin, Marlene Dietrich, Miriam Hopkins, Janis Paige, Ella Raines, Frances Dee, Anita Louise, Dorothy Malone, and Jeanette MacDonald.

...Heflin was closely followed by Clark Gable and Joel McCrea at five films apiece. Also seen frequently in 2018, with four films apiece: Edmond O'Brien, Humphrey Bogart, Melvyn Douglas, James Stewart, John Wayne, Tim Holt, Jack Carson, John Litel, Lewis Stone, and last year's most-seen actor, Richard Dix. I included Carson, Litel, and Stone in this count as while they are often seen in support, some of their roles seen this year were leads.
...Also seen regularly in 2018, at three films apiece: Fredric March, Robert Ryan, Gary Cooper, Robert Taylor, George Brent, Chester Morris, Robert Young, Franchot Tone, Claude Rains, and, in a nod to newer movies, action star Jason Statham. The majority of names on the frequently seen actor and actresses lists are different from 2017, which I find interesting.
...With so many theatrical films and festivals, screener reviews, and other writing commitments, something's had to give, and I'm still working on my 2017 "10 Classics" list of films I want to see for the first time! This year I did check off RED SUNDOWN (1956), which I loved, and I'm determined to complete this list, hopefully in 2019!
...For the same reasons I again participated in just one blogathon this year, the Fourth Annual O Canada! Blogathon. I try to never miss that one! I wrote about Russell Hayden in the "B" film RIDERS OF THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED (1943).
...Feature-length documentaries seen this year were IN SEARCH OF OZU (2018) and BOMBSHELL: THE HEDY LAMARR STORY (2017), along with the previously mentioned WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? which was seen theatrically.

...There were happily very few nominees for Worst Movie of the Year, which was probably GOLDIE GETS ALONG (1933), starring Lili Damita; NUTCRACKER: THE MOTION PICTURE (1986) was definitely in the running. Past "winners" in this category: HULLABALOO (1940) from my 2009 list, FORT BOWIE (1958) in 2011, INHERIT THE WIND (1960) in 2012, a tie between DAVY CROCKETT, INDIAN SCOUT (1950) and FLYING BLIND (1941) in 2013, FORT YUMA (1955) in 2014, THE ROBIN HOOD OF EL DORADO (1936) in 2015, MAKE MINE LAUGHS (1949) in 2016, and DEJA VU (1985) in 2017. Fortunately it's quite rare when I don't find at least some things in a film to enjoy!
...Below is a month-by-month look at some additional titles not already listed above which I found especially memorable viewing in 2018.

...In February I found BIG CITY (1948) better than its reputation and really enjoyed it; Margaret O'Brien starred with Robert Preston, Danny Thomas, George Murphy, and Betty Garrett...Richard Conte starred in HOLLYWOOD STORY (1951), a nifty murder mystery with some great L.A. locations and Julie Adams as leading lady...I thoroughly enjoyed going back to Reese Witherspoon's SWEET HOME ALABAMA (2002) for the first time since it was initially released on DVD...I rewatched John Ford's SERGEANT RUTLEDGE (1960), which I had seen at the preceding fall's Lone Pine Film Festival, to refresh my memory prior to writing about it, and I enjoyed it all over again...STRICTLY DISHONORABLE (1951) with Janet Leigh and Ezio Pinza was an unexpected delight, with great dialogue and wonderful chemistry between the leads despite a significant age gap...THE SEA WOLF (1941) is a tough watch in some ways, but the new Blu-ray from Warner Archive, including restored footage, was a special release...and another Warner Bros. film, ACROSS THE PACIFIC (1942), reunited THE MALTESE FALCON stars Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, and Sydney Greenstreet; it was a lot of fun.

...There was another film festival in May, but I managed to see quite a number of films at home, including SINGING GUNS (1950), a really enjoyable Western with Vaughn Monroe, Ella Raines, Walter Brennan, and Ward Bond, out on a beautiful Kino Lorber Blu-ray...WOMAN CHASES MAN (1937) is a fun romantic comedy starring frequent '30s costars Joel McCrea and Miriam Hopkins...I revisited the delightful Deanna Durbin musical SOMETHING IN THE WIND (1947), starring Deanna Durbin, John Dall, and Donald O'Connor...There were so many good Kino Lorber releases this year! A LADY TAKES A CHANCE (1943) starring John Wayne and Jean Arthur is another longtime favorite I enjoyed seeing again...I rewatch Pressburger & Powell's I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING! (1945) every few years; what a wonderful "warm and cozy" film...More Kay Francis melodrama was seen in STOLEN HOLIDAY (1937), as she again suffered nobly in Orry-Kelly gowns...and DESIRE (1936) was quite an enjoyable romantic comedy with Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper.

...November started off with the entertaining Yasujiro Ozu film WHAT DID THE LADY FORGET? (1937)...SANGAREE (1953), starring Arlene Dahl and Fernando Lamas, had an interesting story and stunning color, a visual high point of the year...WALLFLOWER (1948) is a delightful family comedy starring Joyce Reynolds and Janis Paige...QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE (1958) was delightfully ridiculous sci-fi seen on a great-looking Blu-ray...THE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS (1949) was a particularly strong Gene Autry Western with a lovely Christmas finale.

...Coming soon: My annual Favorite Discoveries piece for Rupert Pupkin Speaks. I'll be adding the link here as soon as that post is up! (January 10th Update: Please visit my Favorite Discoveries of 2018, posted at Rupert Pupkin Speaks.)

...This year I was delighted to be invited to contribute a monthly Westerns column for the terrific Classic Movie Hub site. My Western Roundup columns may be found here. I'm anticipating that my January column for CMH will cover a 35mm screening of a favorite film, CANYON PASSAGE (1946), which I'll be seeing at The Autry in a couple of weeks. It's being shown as part of the Autry's ongoing "What is a Western?" movie series, and it will be hosted by film historian Jeremy Arnold.
In closing, I'd like to thank everyone who visits this blog, both occasional visitors and "regulars." Your readership, friendship, and support are appreciated more by me with every passing year.

Previously: Tonight's Movie in 2009: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2010: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2011: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2012: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2013: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2014: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2015: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2016: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2017: The Year in Review.
Phew! That's a lot of work you put in here, Laura, with a lot of interesting stats and reminders of films you mentioned or recommended across the year. Thanks for all that work to help your readers.
I love that you celebrated New Year with "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" but also "FOUR FACES WEST". Both are favourites with me but the McCrea western especially. A strong personal favourite that I was introduced to by a TV viewing on Boxing Day 1957. (I can't believe I just admitted to that- it's over 60 years ago!!)
It's such a pleasure to share this, Jerry -- I appreciate you taking the time to read all the way through it!!
FOUR FACES WEST is so special -- I love that it's been an important part of your life for so long and that you specifically remember how and when you first saw it.
Best wishes,
Happy New Year! Wow, your yearly wrap-ups are so amazing to read. This reminds me of just how much can be accomplished if you just do a little bit every day. Thank you for continuing to blog about all the movies you see. I love how many films you were able to see on the big screen! I always look forward to reading your posts and yoru film festival coverage. Hope 2019 is a great year for you!
Laura, amazing amount of movie viewing and writing during 2018 and previous years. As a reader, Thank you so very much.
Thank you, Deb, and Happy New Year! Thanks so much for reading it! :)
It's so true about a little bit every day -- while watching movies in one setting is my preferred choice, during the workweek it sometimes takes me three days to finish a movie, squeezing in 20 or 30 minutes while I eat lunch. Whatever works! Similarly, I try to save some of the links for this review as I go during the year, which makes it easier to write when the time comes.
Thank you for your longtime friendship, and best wishes for a wonderful 2019!!
Thank you so much, Walter. I wouldn't have a reason to do this if it weren't for readers like you. I'm very grateful being able to share what I love with an audience!
Happy 2019!!!
Best wishes,
I just don't know how you do it, Laura - and still find time to do your other work...
Looking forward to your Year In Review movie poster video.
All the very best for 2019!
Thank you, Mel! Truth to tell sometimes I don't know how I fit it all in either, LOL. Liking movies and what I do here is a powerful motivator, though!
Very best wishes to you and yours for the New Year!
I love these epic year-end wrap posts, and always bookmark for ideas on what to watch and pick up. So helpful, easy to refer back to your posts on each, and it also makes a nice record of notable new discs, events, and what was shown at fests over the year.
A bunch of these movies I happily discovered this year because of your reviews, including UNDERTOW, so thanks for doing as many reviews as you do, and turning us on to all this good stuff. All the best for another great movie year!!
Thank you so much, Kristina, I appreciate that feedback immensely! I'm so glad to know the roundup is helpful along with the original reviews!
You've given me many good ideas as well -- thank you!!!
Happiest wishes for 2019,
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