
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Favorite Film Discoveries of 2016

My Favorite Film Discoveries of 2016 have now been posted at Rupert Pupkin Speaks!

It was a challenge to condense my 2016 viewing year down to a baker's dozen of titles, but I finally arrived at my list and am delighted to be able to share it.

There are another 10 "honorable mentions" at the bottom of the list. More information on all of the titles in my post can be searched here at Laura's Miscellaneous Musings; just put any title in the search box in the upper lefthand corner of the page.

I hope many more classic film era enthusiasts will be able to enjoy some of the movies which I especially loved in 2016.

As always, sincere thanks to Brian for the invitation to participate in this annual event and for sharing my list at his blog.

Previous Favorite Discoveries Lists: Favorite Film Discoveries of 2013, Favorite Film Discoveries of 2014, and Favorite Film Discoveries of 2015.

Additional guest posts at Rupert Pupkin Speaks: Five Underrated Comedies, Five Underrated Westerns, Five Underrated Mystery/Detective Films, Five Underrated Action/Adventure Films, Five Underrated Thrillers, Five Underrated Films of 1955, Five Underrated Films of 1945, and Five Underrated Films of 1956.

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