Thursday, May 03, 2007

I Don't Really Understand... a Presidential hopeful who has yet to win a single primary, let alone win his party's nomination, qualifies for Secret Service protection beginning now and running for the next 18 months.

According to ABC News, "According to the Department of Homeland Security, there were no known threats and Obama requested the protection" (italics mine).

Senator Obama is receiving Secret Service protection nine months earlier than Senators Kerry and Edwards did in 2004.

This new precedent could end up costing taxpayers millions, particularly as multiple candidates clamor for the same level of protection, months ahead of primaries. After all, in an odd sort of way, doesn't the candidate traveling with his own Secret Service protection seem more...important?

There is an easy answer which should address concerns about safety while keeping the candidates' hands out of taxpayers' pockets: each political party should be footing the entire bill for its candidates' security details -- whether the security is provided by the Secret Service or privately -- until the time of the nomination.

Update: Senator Clinton, as a former First Lady, is already receiving Secret Service protection. Could Senator Obama's request be an attempt to "equalize" his importance in this area with Senator Clinton? Just asking...

Friday Afternoon Update: Brian Faughnan of The Weekly Standard's blog, Worldwide Standard, is asking similar questions.


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