Sunday, April 10, 2011

Around the Blogosphere This Week

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...First, a note that I was only able to post every other day for the past week in order to fit in several trips to the Noir City Film Festival at the Egyptian Theatre, not to mention our participation in today's MouseAdventure Luau competition. It is very possible I'll be maintaining a similar posting schedule during the next week, as I'm juggling proofreading a couple of exceptionally long transcripts along with homeschooling and at least three more visits to the final week of the festival.

...Speaking of visiting the Egyptian Theatre, free tickets are now available for the April 21st screening of FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (1953) which is part of the Turner Classic Movies Road to Hollywood tour. Ernest Borgnine is going to be present that evening along with TCM's Ben Mankiewicz. However, it's important to note that having a ticket doesn't guarantee seating, which is first come, first served. I'm undecided whether to go at this point, as it's a long drive without guaranteed seats.

...The first time I saw FROM HERE TO ETERNITY on a big screen, I was a teenager attending the 1978 'round-the-clock Academy Award marathon at Filmex in Century City.

...TCM has announced the schedule for its 2nd annual festival, to be held in Hollywood April 28th through May 1st. Barring unexpected developments, this is a festival I won't be attending, owing to its extremely high pricetag.

...Leonard Maltin wrote about seeing WHIPLASH (1948) and THE HUNTED (1948) at the Noir City Festival in Hollywood last Sunday. Alas, Leonard didn't share my great appreciation of THE HUNTED. It's fascinating that two passionate film fans can see a movie so differently. He was disbelieving, found it too long, and said seeing it once was enough; I was completely engrossed, thought the leads were excellent, and wondered when I'd have the chance to see it again.

...Southern Californians may want to take note of an upcoming series of Western films at the Gene Autry National Center in Griffith Park. Titles include SHANE (1953), THE OX-BOW INCIDENT (1943), and WINCHESTER '73 (1950).

...Dear Old Hollywood has more on upcoming film festivals and events.

...I deeply appreciate Robby of the fine blog Dear Old Hollywood bestowing the Stylish Blogger Award on my blog! The kind words and encouragement mean a great deal. I'm especially happy to know that Robby appreciates these "roundup" posts!

...Kristina Dijan of Kristina's Kinema and The Dark Pages has a new column at Landmark Report. She recently wrote about 5 New Things every classic film fan should know.

...Up north in San Francisco, the Roxie Theater is having an amazing film noir festival starting May 13th. Titles include MINISTRY OF FEAR (1944), PHANTOM LADY (1944), NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES (1948), and DANGEROUS BLONDES (1943). I'd especially love the chance to see the double bill of RIDE THE PINK HORSE (1947), directed by Robert Montgomery, and Franchot Tone in I LOVE TROUBLE (1948), written by Roy Huggins (MAVERICK, THE ROCKFORD FILES). I'd also love to see Zachary Scott in GUILTY BYSTANDER (1950) and RUTHLESS (1948). Alas, San Francisco is just a little too far away! Moira has more on the festival at Skeins of Thought.

...Netflix has acquired exclusive streaming rights for the TV series MAD MEN. The first four seasons will be available on Netflix beginning July 27, 2011.

...The Self-Styled Siren pays tribute to Deanna Durbin and Farley Granger, with more on Deanna here.

...I don't think the competition the L.A. Times ballyhoos between In-N-Out Burger and Five Guys Burgers and Fries is all that significant. For one thing, Five Guys is much more expensive, and Five Guys doesn't have drive-throughs. I think there's room for both chains in a market as big as Southern California. (My review of Five Guys was posted last Thanksgiving week.)

...I recently came across a 2009 tribute to Ward Bond by Caftan Woman, particularly noting his fine performance in ON DANGEROUS GROUND (1952). Bond has always been one of my favorites.

...I haven't had time to see it yet, but here's a brief new interview with Olivia de Havilland on YouTube. (Via PriSignorelli.)

...Colin reviews THE SECRET OF CONVICT LAKE (1951) at his blog Riding the High Country. This was a film I enjoyed very much when I saw it in late 2009. It has a top cast, including Gene Tierney, Glenn Ford, and Zachary Scott, and effectively conveys a cold, wintry atmosphere.

...As a relatively new cat owner, this Stalking Cat YouTube video cracked me up.

...Here's an interview with Margaret O'Brien about the new Warner Archive release of her film THE UNFINISHED DANCE (1947). It makes a nice companion piece to an O'Brien interview linked here last weekend.

...Notable passing: Director Sidney Lumet passed away yesterday, April 9th, at the age of 86. He's greatly appreciated in our household as the director of 12 ANGRY MEN (1957). Another obituary was published by the Los Angeles Times.

Have a great week!


Blogger Colin said...

Thanks again for linking to my Convict Lake post. And I have to say there are lots of other great links in this week's round-up.

I was also saddened to hear of the passing of Sidney Lumet, a major talent and a personal favourite.


1:10 AM  
Blogger Kristina said...

Thanks for the mention Laura!

4:37 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Do you remember what theater hosted the From Here to Eternity screening that year at Filmex?

7:47 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

You're welcome, Colin and Kristina!

Tom, I sure do, it was the Plitt Theaters in Century City. The Plitt is gone now -- there's a page at Cinema Treasures. I also saw a Filmex musical marathon there (you haven't lived until you've watched OKLAOMA!, WEST SIDE STORY, and MY FAIR LADY all in a row -- overnight! LOL) and in-person appearances by Loretta Young (with a screening of THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER) and Olivia de Havilland (with THE HEIRESS).

Best wishes,

8:16 AM  
Blogger SimpleGifts said...

Hi, Laura - Thank you for the Ward Bond tribute link. Awhile ago, I was keeping my friend company while she was undergoing chemo. To cheer her up, we watched an uplifting Saturday matinee movie from our childhood, GYPSY COLT. It starred Ward Bond who played the father of a little girl (Donna Corcoran). The scenes between the two of them were so tender, sweet and natural. It was a side of Ward Bond my friend and I had never seen. Ward Bond fans can watch GYPSY COLT on TCM on May 24. It also stars one of my favorites, Frances Dee, in her final performance before retiring from the screen to give birth to her last child and devote herself entirely to her family.(By the way, I'm thankful to report my friend has regained her health and is doing splendidly!). Best, Jane

9:43 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

What a lovely story, Jane! And I'm especially glad to know your friend is now doing so well. Although I'm not big on "animal" stories, I recorded GYPSY COLT because of the two lead actors, both of whom I love. Your description certainly makes it sound appealing. Thank you for letting everyone know its next air date!

Best wishes,

12:23 AM  

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